
We are a miscarriage support service covering all of scotland for anyone who has experienced baby loss.



MISS – A Different Pathway for couples who have stopped concieving and are looking into alternative methods such as adoption or fostering.

When trying for a baby stops…

Many women and couples will try to get pregnant again following a miscarriage, and keep trying even through multiple losses.

Statistically, the majority will eventually have a ‘rainbow baby’ in their lives. But some women and partners will also come to a point where they wonder if they should stop trying. This can be a difficult and lonely place even within the miscarriage community, and it’s not talked about very much.

 Thinking about stopping trying can be very tough for couples who already have a child or children, and would still like to add to their family. For women and couples who don’t have children, or don’t have children together, these thoughts can be especially hard and painful. Couples may also feel differently about continuing the attempts to have a baby, which can cause friction in the relationship.

There are no right or wrong reasons for the trying to stop, and you should never have to justify your thoughts and decisions to anyone.

  • Trauma of the loss/es – a single miscarriage can be devastating, regardless of when in the pregnancy it happened
  • Repeated losses
  • Fertility problems
  • Parental age
  • Social, financial or relationship issues
  • Starting to prepare for adoption

It may also help to think of stopping as a process over time, and not a clear cut decision you must make and then stick to rigidly. It’s quite normal to make and reverse the decision to stop trying several times as you work through your feelings – and you can always change your mind. Even allowing yourself to think about stopping can feel like a huge step. However, it can also be empowering and gradually give you a sense of control, as well as breathing space to imagine other kinds of futures.

If adoption is something you might consider, most agencies require you to not have tried to conceive for a set period of time before you can start adoption counselling. Parental age is usually a factor when very young children are matched with adoptive parents so this may be something you need to be aware of.

Join our public page on Facebook where we add regular motivation quotes, posts and schedule lives with speakers sharing knowledge and advice for pregnacy after loss. 

How to get involved

Join as a MISS volunteer

Even if you can only spare a couple hours each weeks, this is much appreciated or attend one of our upcoming events and spread the word, share the event on social media! Organise your own fundraising event or add a collection tin at your place of work.



Spread the word, share an event, talk to your family and friends or even promote at Miss at work.


Organise your own fundraising event or add a collection tin at your place of work or within a communty group.


Volunteer, even if you can only spare a couple hours each weeks, this is much appreciated.

Get in touch


Balmoral Hub Balmoral Business Park Wellington Circle Altens Aberdeen AB12 3JG

Telephone: 07597 584258

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