
We are a miscarriage support service covering all of scotland for anyone who has experienced baby loss.



We would like to encourage men to attend our support group, call our phone service and attend our events. 

We also offer one to one sessions with any new or existing members.

We would like to encourage men to attend our support group, call our phone service and attend our events. We would like to ensure that men are supported after a miscarriage too as they have become a parent and lost their baby. Miscarriage is a taboo subject but we would like to encourage both male and females to open up about their experience.

Although miscarriage is a loss for you both, it happened physically for a women. However men may be affected from an emotional point of view. Simply being there for your partner by listening and giving her a shoulder to cry on is often what most women want from their partners. We welcome men to attend our support groups, fundraising events and other MISS activities.


As part of our support for males and partners, Misster organises curry nights in Aberdeen. These are held on a quarterly basis and at no cost to yourselves, as these have been funded. For more information on this or to join our next curry night please email: mister@miss-support.org.uk 

Support Groups

On the 3rd Wednesday of each month, our Male Support Lead Volunteer (Euan Bruce) is available to meet for a 1:1 online session for a 20 minute session from 7pm.

Reach us on 07808638428  (all calls are free, confidential and not recorded) also keep a lookout on our social media for males only activities and events!

Join our public page on Facebook where we add regular motivation quotes, posts and schedule lives with speakers sharing knowledge and advice for pregnacy after loss. 

Support Packs

As well as this support we also source, make and deliver support packs and memory boxes at our office at Cove, Aberdeen. We have different bags depending on your experience and how you may be feeling now, if you didn’t receive one of these at the hospital or would like to receive one at home please email us at: advice@miss-support.org.uk

Memory Boxes

These are funded, made and delivered by the MISS team to maternity hospitals across Scotland. Items included are candles, flower seeds, teddy bears, scanned card and several other items. These boxes are examples of how you can create memories as well as provide support for you.

A Different Pathway.

A Different Pathway bag which is for when as a couple you have decided to no longer try for children or look at alternative ways such as adoption, fostering and IVF. This bag will ensure you feel supported and encourage you to look after your overall mental health and wellbeiing. Items include a journal and pen, podcast and audio sheet, knitted hearts and several other pieces. 

How to get involved

Join as a MISS volunteer

Even if you can only spare a couple hours each weeks, this is much appreciated or attend one of our upcoming events and spread the word, share the event on social media! Organise your own fundraising event or add a collection tin at your place of work.




Spread the word, share an event, talk to your family and friends or even promote at Miss at work.


Organise your own fundraising event or add a collection tin at your place of work or within a communty group.


Volunteer, even if you can only spare a couple hours each weeks, this is much appreciated.

Get in touch


Balmoral Hub Balmoral Business Park Wellington Circle Altens Aberdeen AB12 3JG

Telephone: 07597 584258

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